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The 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act was largely focused on corporate and individual filing changes. However, there was an additional piece that was added to give a tax credit for fossil fuel companies that also captured and sequestered carbon, putting a value on each ton that was put back into the ground. At this point, the Carbon Oxide Sequestration Credit is only viable for oil or gas producers but it is very likely that a more general carbon credit will be offered at some point in the near future.

Your compost or wood recycling business is already sequestering carbon even if it is not something you are tracking. If part of your business is ensuring that organics such as wood waste are kept from the landfill and instead used for mulch or compost operations, then you’re taking part in helping keep CO2 from being released into the atmosphere.

Why track?

The green brand associated with avoiding carbon pollution is a valuable marketing tool now and a potential source of tax value in the future. As composting companies grow in cities of all sizes, people want to know where their waste goes, it’s impact and how companies are working to become more efficient and sustainable in their operations. By understanding the carbon dioxide (CO2) you are keeping from the atmosphere, you will understand true (positive) impact your business is having on the local environment.

And it’s in the news often: Is Compost the Secret to Making Ag Climate Friendly?

Carbon Calculator

The carbon calculator developed by Rotochopper Great Lakes should be used as an estimator only. Based on the research by Breitenbeck & Schellinger, the tool is focused on carbon sequestered in composting and mulch operations after 100 days. If you’r dealing with windrows of all bark or a mix of biosolids, these values will change the sequestration value.

Note about results: These should be taken as an estimate only. Because final carbon measurements are dependent on actual material composition, each pile is different. Please call us if you have any questions filling out the calculator. If you’re interested in having an exact measurement done, we are happy to help brain storm about who that might be in your area. For example, in Wisconsin the UW Soil and Forage lab offers many soil related testing services.